Fronteiras Film is an experimental documentary that explores the burden of an immigrant searching for a place to call home. The film investigates the politics of immigration in the United States through poetry, personal and direct filmmaking. Structurally, the film is divided in three parts titled “Os Angelinos”, “O Estrangeiro” , and “Memórias” . Each act differs from the other in form and content.
Project Stage:
Fronteiras is an experimental non-fiction film that embraces both analogue and digital mediums to construct its argument. With very limited resources, we were able to buy, process and develop 16mm color film to shoot a proof of concept short film which is now in post-production. We also commissioned written testimonials from immigrant angelenos and invested in antique analogue equipment (camera, lens and recorder) that will carry us out through the rest of production.
This short film is a microcosm of part I, “Los Angelenos”. We are satisfied with its outcome but we need to secure enough resources (labor, film and time) to move onto the next challenge: the production of the remaining segments shot in California (the prologue, part I, part II and epilogue). Because we operate with a very small crew and we already invested in the necessary equipment, we are able to cut down expenses . Any investment will go a long way and if we reach our fundraising goal, we expect to finish the California production stage by July 2021.